10. Inside Surprises in games are always more than welcome in this new modern age of the predictable 5 act story that is video games en-masse. And while there isn’t much different between Inside and it’s predecessor Limbo in terms of gameplay, Inside gives a masterclass on visual storytelling and
Tag: 2016
76. 2016 in Review
2016 has come to a close and the crew has come together to highlight five of games that made their end of the year lists as well as to give out a variety of awards. Send us questions: Romsbag@gmail.com Award Start End Biggest News Story of the Year 23:33 38:00
10 (Lesser Known) Tracks from video games Rapid played in 2016 in response list presented by [Insert Romsoverbagdad Sponsor] [Insert Offer Code]
10 (Lesser Known) Tracks from video games Rapid played in 2016 in response list presented by PonyIsland.net use promo code DailyCow for a free horse shoe!! If you are reading this, you are from the FUTURE. Hello citizen from the future (perhaps a brighter 2017) I am here writing
Optix's Incredibly Out of Order Games of 2016
12. Is it Moe? Mid Summer 2016
The summer is more than half way over now so Mary, Alby, Shawn , and DJ wanted to talk about how the season of anime has been going. Send us your emails: Romsbag@gmail.com News: Make Your Dojinshi at 7-Eleven Stores Regalia Anime Halts Broadcast after Episode 4, will restart airing