165. Always sneakin’ in a dick

After a hearty chug of kombucha the Romscast this week discusses Rage 2, Steep, Root, and what it will be like to live on Minecraft Earth. Romsbag@gmail.com is the email address for your comments. News this Week: More progress on the RIOT stuff EPIC cant do anything right Pokemon Rumble

155. Apex of Games

With Alby’s internet down Shawn joins the podcast to talk about the Division 2, Apex Legends, Langrisser, Wargroove, and the Activision Blizzard Layoffs. Romsbag@gmail.com is the email address News this Week: Layoffs at Activision Blizzard Jason Schreier: “GameStop is changing its pre-order refund policy, Kotaku has learned. “ Platinum Games

153. Buttery Beers

This week after taking a week off all the video game news comes raining down on us from above and we discuss Dead by Daylight, Darkest Dungeon, Fire Emblem Warriors, War Dust, and Super Ultimate Smash Brothers. Romsbag@gmail.com is the place to send your emails News this Week: mprobable and

105. Nuptia

The great second wave of this year’s video games is on its way and we sit down before it hits to talk about Abzu, Tunguska: The Visitation, Doki Doki Literature Club, the closing of Visceral Games, and Activision’s Matchmaking Patent. Also check out Giant Bomb Heavy Inc’s video on Plains