123. Papa Kratos

On this week’s podcast we become Gods of War, Rainbow Six Operatives, famous Twitch Streamers, Cat Kings and Robot Miners. Send questions to Romsbag@gmail.com News this Week: Campo Santo Acquired by Valve Call of Duty will not have single play Sega Mega Drive Mini Announced Shenmue 1 and 2 being

88. The Hedgehog

This week something horrible has gone wrong and we are turned into hedgehogs and forced to play Destiny 2 in a vain attempt to get all the steam trading cards. Send us your hedgehogs: Romsbag@gmail.com     News this Week: Destiny 2 – PC version exclusive to Blizzard launcher  

81. Coffee Milk

The drink of the podcast is coffee milk this week as we kill some rats, Netflix and chill with Link, and become President of the United States. Send us your questions: Romsbag@gmail.com News this Week: Steam User Review Changes (score will no longer include reviews by users that received the