108. Business Guns

This week we talk about killing Nazis in Wolfenstein 2, the prestige raid in Destiny 2, motivating criminal girls in Criminal Girls: Invite Only, Game of the Year awards and the bane of loot boxes reaching a new zenith. Send your questions to Romsbag@gmail.com News this Week: EA has turned

103. Marshmallow Houses

This week we have Mesoian on to help us talk about Battlefront 2, From Other Suns, Cuphead, Golf Story, a dead Russian diplomat, and the proliferation of loot boxes. Send your questions to: Romsbag@gmail.com News this Week: ‘Shadow of War’ and ‘Forza 7’ Are Poisoning the Concept of Loot Boxes

84. Persona Monday

We are back after a break to talk about Persona 5, PUGB, Snake Pass and of course all the hot news we missed. Send us your questions: Romsbag@gmail.com News this Week: Scorpio info – Q&A with Spencer Microsoft to offer Self-Service Refunds for Xbox One & Win10 Nintendo Discontinues the